Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Paulino Ibarra - Born To Coach

In sports, there are those that have uncanny talent to participate in the sport itself and there are those that end up being able to effectively teach that sport at such a high level that others seek out their guidance.

When it comes to Colorado boxing, Paulino 'The Finisher' Ibarra is an example of the latter. In spite of having his youth competition cut short from admitted lack of discipline, 'The Finisher' found a new passion in training others in the sport he loves.

"I didn't get to fight as much as I wanted to but I trained a lot. I have probably been to ten different gyms growing up. I didn't really have anyone to push me. Being a kid back then, I didn't really take it serious. I didn't take advantage of it like I should have."

By fate, 'The Finisher' was re-introduced to boxing after his nephews wanted to get into the sport themselves.

"I was pretty much done with it (boxing). I had stopped training and was just working construction when my two nephews got involved in boxing. We took them down to a gym where the coaching wasn't being done right. They weren't getting any mitt work, they were pretty much just throwing them in to spar and letting them do whatever.

"I sat back and watched that for a couple of months and then started getting really involved and helping them out. After that, I got registered, licensed, and started working corners."

When speaking with him you can tell 'The Finisher' has much respect for the sport and those that he trains, whether the you're an average joe or contender. Not only that, but he has found a certain peace in the gym, removed from the daily problems we all deal with.

"I got this second chance at coaching and it's opened my eyes to a whole different part of boxing. I grew up with it, I grew up watching it. I love the sport and always have. That's a real good feeling. I could be having the worst day It's like therapy for me. Once I'm in the gym and I'm teaching, that's where I'm comfortable at. I could be having the worst day but when I see someone doing something I taught them a month ago and they're able to use it, its a great feeling."

His road to training Colorado MMA fighters in boxing skills was a short one. After getting exposed to MMA a few years back, 'The Finisher' has taken his talents to the world famous 'Grudge' training facility in Wheatridge. Here, he has guided many notable Colorado MMA fighters including the UFC's Brendan Schaub.

"We were looking for some sparring and we heard about TKOs which is 'Grudge' now. Ricky Lopez was one of the top Colorado amateurs at the time so I took my nephews down there to get work with him. That's when we met Trevor Wittman. That's also the first time I saw a ring and a cage in the same gym. That was about 2007."

Boxing versus muay-thai as a base for standup in MMA has always been hotly debated. I was curious what 'The Finisher' thought about the place boxing has in Mixed Martial Arts.

"I'd like it (boxing) to be more of a part of MMA. Kids pretty much look around at what's going on with the sport and see it as a dying scene. They think they don't have a need to learn Boxing with Muay-Thai kickboxing out there. There's so many differences though. It works if you learn it."

One of Colorado's top up and coming MMA fighters and current 'RMBB' 145lb. champion Jarred "Shutout" Mercado had this to say about his coach:

"Paulino is extremely passionate about the sweet science of boxing. He spends every day devoting himself to the craft and teaching his athletes. I think its important for fighters to surround themselves with great coaches who are always studying and learning what they are teaching.

"He studies boxing every day and is always showing his athletes the proper fundamentals as well as the cutting edge techniques that are working at the highest level. He is hungry to build champions and I believe his love for the sport, his consistent effort to better himself and his fighters will eventually lead to him being one of the top striking trainers in the sport."

There was no way I could finish the interview without finding out who 'The Finisher' has if Pacman vs. Mayweather Jr. ever actually goes down.

"I'd have to pick Mayweather. I was big on Pacquiao before his last fight with Marquez. I thought for sure he would be the one to be able to breakdown Mayweathers defense but I wasn't too impressed with his last fight. Maybe a fight with Mayweather would get him back up so he has a different hunger."

Let's hope that's one we see in 2012.

If your looking for top notch striking instruction including private lessons, hook up with Paulino on Facebook or by contacting 'Grudge' at 303-432-8858.

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See you at the fights!