Monday, April 2, 2012

Nyke Nitti - Godfather Of Colorado Rap

When you talk to enough people in the small world that is the Colorado rap scene, it quickly becomes evident that 'Nyke Nitti' has been doing it as long as anybody.

And probably longer.

Especially when you consider the fact that the founder of 'Str8 Chekn Records' and owner of the 'Str8 Chekn' studio was pushing CD's on the streets of Denver before most people had CD players in their rides.

"We were making CD's when motherf*&$#%'s still had tape decks in their cars.

"There was nobody here that had an album on CD. We we're the first to have a CD at places like 'Sam Goody' and 'Musicland'."

In spite of having enough cuts laid down to fill a trunk and then some, it appears that "The Godfather" of Colorado rap is just getting started. This based on the number of his current and ongoing projects.

Projects that include bringing his story of the street to the masses a different way, via short movies. Not the usual behind the scenes DVD's, but actual films.

At the time of this writing, 'Nitti' had just dropped a highly anticipated short film via DVD titled "Hustle & Tymin" directed by Nathan Letteer.  A gritty look at what makes the local icon tick. The dope soundtrack is provided courtesy of 'Mo Heat'.

"The 'Hustle & Tymin' movie is a forty minute short film that looks at my career as far as music is concerned and some of the things I've been doing. I don't know of anyone doing actual movies or short films like this. We were the first to put together an actual movie like this out here in Colorado.

"It's just another way of expressing our talents and showing everybody else outside of the state what Colorado is all about. It's been a great a experience and I'm glad to be one of the brick layers that started doing this thing. "

Nitti's take on the local rap scene is the same that he applies to life in general, including the cutthroat nature of of the music business.

"The Colorado rap scene is growing, getting bigger. We finally have a solid movement out here. I have at least five guys that's really on to something like 'Innerstate Ike' and 'Young Doe'."

And just like every other aspect of daily life, the music industry has it's share of fakes.

"There's always going to be some fakeness in everything. There's always going to be haters. It doesn't have to be just music, it could be at work. There's those people that will smile to your face but talk behind your back. 

"We just make the haters spectate. It's all they can do. They can't do what we do, that's why they have to talk and do all the bs'ing on the side. We let them do what they can, we do what we feel."

Most of the artists that team 'Uppercuts Inc.' have spoke with point to some type of bloodline inspiration or guidance when it comes to music. In 'Nitti's case, the passion of making music spans most of his whole family.

This includes his brother 'Mo Heat' who is a producer for the well known 'Food Chain'.

"My whole family is into music. My grandfather is a Gospel musician with the 'Mighty Crowns Of Joy'. He was the original founding member of that group.

"My Mother and Father sang gospel music, my brother (Mo Heat) is a musician who plays the drums and keyboard.

"Music is just in my bloodline."

Nitti's discography reads like a laundry list of sick Colorado jams that go back over fifteen years. A list that includes the likes of fan favorites 'Suspicious', 'Slap Music', and 'Everyday Thang'.

"My first actual disc came out in 1995. Then I did 'The Hit List' which was a full length album in 96' and 97'.  In 98' and 99' we did the 'Mob Life' album and in 2000 we did the 'Straight Chekn Mobb Music' compilation."

And it doesn't stop there.

"In 2004 it was the 'The Laundromat'. In 2008 we did 'The Formula.' In 2010 I ended up doing a huge single 'Hustlin And Tymin'. It was so big, we ended up doing the movie for it."

When it comes to the fight game, 'The Mile High Hitman' has been a life long fan of many aspects of Martial Arts.

"I've always been into Martial Arts and Martial Arts films. Bruce Lee is definitely my favorite martial artist. Some of my favorite MMA fighters are Kimbo Slice, Rashad Evans, and 'Rampage' Jackson.

"The whole sport of MMA is really taking off right now. Now the fights are even being shown on 'Fox', so you know it's big."

Check back here at for updates on Nitti's music, films, and other projects.

Nyke Nitti's CD's and DVD's can be found locally at 'Angelos', 'Independent Records, and also online at

You can also follow one of the true rap pioneers of Colorado on Twitter with @NykeNitti1 and also on Facebook at  

Here are some other Colorado rap artists that 'Uppercuts Inc.' has spoke with:

See you at the fights!