Monday, February 27, 2012

'M.O.S.S.' - It's Like I'm Famous

As team 'Uppercuts Inc.' continues to scour the region for music artists who also are fans of the fight game, we end up along the Front Range in the city of Fort Collins.

Enter M.O.S.S. 

A Colorado native and repping the state lyrically, M.O.S.S. just released his debut album 'It's Like I'm Famous' after a highly successful mix tape 'Am I Famous Yet?'

The common thread of all the artists I've interviewed is a distinct "me against the world" mentality, leaving everything in the studio as they continue to fight their way to the top of their respective genre.

M.O.S.S. was no different. I could definitely pick up the determination in his voice as he talked music, the Colorado rap scene, and his family ties that helped launch his music career.

"Music to me has always been something I've enjoyed doing. I'm serious when I say I'd rather be broke and doing this music thing than have money and doing something else. This is all I want to do. I feel like this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

"My Dad was a gospel singer and had a studio so it started as a hobby for me and to pass the time but very shortly afterwords, I realized this is what I want to do as a career."

It was only after M.O.S.S. temporarily relocated to Alabama a few years back that he realized he wanted to pursue his dream of recording. He moved back home to Colorado and started to stake his own claim on the local rap scene.

"I was born and raised in Colorado between Fort Collins and Denver. After moving to Alabama and living there for awhile I decided to do this music thing so I returned to my home state to represent."

And represent he has.

'It's Like I'm Famous', which still hasn't left my changer since it's first run, has a nice mix of feel good club music in addition to some harder cuts like 'Hustle N Music' which includes an appearance of rising Colorado rapper 'Pries'.

I was curious what the blueprint for the album was before it came to fruition.

"Basically, how the concept started was the fact that I was really starting to do more singing. I've been a rapper all these years but a lot of people told me they liked to hear me sing and that I should do more of it. The one thing that's good about my system is that I started out rapping so I'm a poet and lyricist first.

"A lot of singers degrade their writing because they can sing good. I just use whatever little voice I have and the lyrics I already know how to do and that's what helps it out. I think a lot of people like the mixing on the R & B and rap. I think that's what helps make it popular."

'Evermax Media' producer Pete Ryan knew right away what M.O.S.S. would bring to the table.

"From the moment M.O.S.S. first came in my studio I knew with the right moves he could be a game changer. His raw talent is unmatched but what really sets him apart is his tireless dedication to his craft."

That and some sick rhyming skills.

"He's one of the best, most consistent rappers I've heard anywhere with an impeccable song writing technique and a natural ability to deliver memorable and exciting melodies with a killer image. You just don't see that often in my world."

As far as the fight game goes, M.O.S.S. made it clear where he stands on the world's fastest growing sport in Mixed Martial Arts.

"I love the courage and will power of MMA. It takes a lot to knock someone out or get that ass beat on camera. One of my favorite fighters out right now is Jon 'Bones' Jones. I love his swagger and the freshness he brings to the sport."

MMA fans have to agree with that assessment.

For 2012, M.O.S.S. has many projects on tap as he continues to build a following not only locally but internationally.

"Going into 2012,  I have my second album 'Weight Of The City' being released as well as my first tour of Colorado for 'Check My Fresh'. I also have many more video's still coming too, including one for 'Portrait Player'.  Another mix tape 'Am I Famous Yet? - Volume II' is also set to drop this year in addition to building a buzz in Europe through EMI connections."

You can check out more of M.O.S.S. and his music at and also on Facebook at

See you at the fights!